Choose2Matter is the movement behind the message: #YouMatter
These two words can:
- Change your mood
- Change your mind
- Change your situation
- Change your world
- Change your heart
- Change your community
- Change your friends
- Change your relationships
- Change your life
When is the last time you heard #YouMatter?
When is the last time you told someone else that they MATTER?
If it’s been too long, send a Mattergram to someone who matters to you. Tell them #YouMatter.
“Never doubt that a few words from you at the right time can change a person’s life for good.”
– Angela Maiers, founder of Choose2Matter
We were created for significance.
One of the most dangerous things that can happen to us
as individuals, as organizations, as a community
is to feel that we don’t matter.
We have a chance to tell people.
I’m so glad you got up this morning.
I notice you.
It changes everything.
There’s nothing that makes you matter more as an individual.
There’s nothing that gives you more courage.
There’s nothing that gives you more inspiration.
You have an opportunity to give that to someone today.
Just say to someone, clearly and directly, “You Matter.”
Who Is Angela Maiers?
Angela Maiers is the founder of Choose2Matter, a universal movement that challenges us to make “mattering” a way of life. When people accept that they matter and that their actions count, learning, lives, and worlds change.
Through Choose2Matter, Angela offers presentations, live and virtual workshops, and interactive innovation events to schools, organizations, businesses, and communities.
Angela has earned a BS in Education with a minor in Neuroscience, as well as a Master’s Degree in Literacy and Education Leadership. She is the author of eight books, including Genius Matters, Classroom Habitudes, and The Passion-Driven Classroom.
Angela was a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and is widely recognized as one of the most influential voices on social media today, consistently ranking in the top 1%. Most recently, Angela has been named by Engati as one of the 200 Most Powerful Influencers to Follow in 2022, and by LeadersHum as one of the Top 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership in 2022.

Choose2Matter encourages you to fight your way back to your five-year-old self.
What is Choose2Matter?
Choose2Matter is a universal movement that challenges us to make “mattering” a way of life. When people accept that they matter and that their actions count, learning, lives, and worlds change. Choose2Matter challenges people in these three ways:

that you matter and that your actions count
the message that everyone matters
to solve problems that break your heart